How to Create a World Anvil Account

Step 1: Create your FREE World Anvil account at

  • Click Create Your Account
  • Fill in your data
  • Click Register
  • Click Create My World  (You are not actually going to create one. We have done that for you! But this will give you more options at the higher access level. You can always update this in your Account Settings.)

Step 1 with Screenshots 

Step 2: Navigate to World of Faelon

  • Click Dashboard (No need to fill out any World details.)
  • Click the COMMUNITY drop-down and select Worlds
  • Enter Faelon in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.
  • Scroll down to find our unique Faelon map (the one with campaigns and characters) and click View World
  • Before you start exploring, scroll down and click Follow
  • You are in!
  • From now on when you log in to World Anvil, you will find us under the COMMUNITY drop down by selecting Followed Worlds.

Step 2 with Screenshots